Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Quit Facebook

Facebook recently celebrated its 10th birthday and launch a zappy, somewhat corny, 'Look Back' video montage of every photos and status updates you shared from the time you joined. This was followed by everyone flooding your news feed sharing their own 'Look Back' videos which almost made me wanna jump off a cliff.

Don't get me wrong. I love Facebook as I think it's a great avenue to stalk people. It's the pointless parade of unnecessary status updates that really unnerves me: Friends who post how they feel every other hour, or where they dined. God forbid but they even take a picture of the food they've eaten; A photo of their recent ultrasound which is kinda creepy for me; Change of status from being single to complicated to in a relationship and back to single like it's an annual change of season. I was guilty of this one I admit but took down the post a long time ago when I split with boyfriend number 3. But the most annoying of all is the ever notorious selfies.

Selfie is what irks me the most. Thanks to smartphones with front and rear cameras, every single human being can now take a mug shot of themselves anytime, anywhere, everywhere even while doing their business in the toilet. A little Camera 360 and voila! My acne-ridden friend can now post a decent photo of himself.

But enough of my tirade as I might alienate my Facebook friends. Instead, let me confess that I have unfollowed some of my friends who are guilty of the crimes I mentioned above. I even came close to deleting my Facebook account as I got feed up with all of my friends' nonsense, which leads me to create a list of reasons why I shouldn't quit Facebook. Facebook isn't so bad after all. Even my dad thinks it's hilarious. Not that he's on Facebook (he has a Twitter account I learned) but it can be a great way to cure boredom on a lazy, stay-at-home weekend.

Now I came up with 10 reasons why you shouldn't quit Facebook and I must say, it's quite a compelling list to make me stay on Facebook. I'll just skip the terrible status updates next time if I wan't to keep my sanity. Now on to the list:

1. Everyone appears to be on Facebook

Well, not really everyone but my niece's nanny, my barber, my doctor, my former boss, my next door neighbor, even my 65-year old single aunt are on Facebook. It's like you're an alien from another planet if you're not on Facebook or any social media. In fact, one of the first questions I always encounter when I meet new people is "Can I add you on Facebook?" like it's given that you should be on Facebook.

2. Facebook allows you to reconnect with long lost friends, high school and college buddies and even estranged exes.

Thanks to Facebook, I found my bestfriend back in high school whom I haven't seen for 12 years and man, was she hot! Thanks to Facebook too, she found her estranged husband who left her 10 years ago. The guy's with another woman now and my bestfriend can finally file an annulment after a decade (Divorce is not allowed in my side of the world) Now that's what I call a long-delayed break up.

3. It's a fun (and legal) way to stalk your crush

Who's not guilty of stalking their crush on Facebook? We've all done it and let's admit, it's fun, right? Thank you Facebook. Now I know my crush's favorite hang out, what he had for lunch, where he lives, where he partied last night, his birthday, his favorite color and everything in between that will make me a good researcher for Nielsen. Let me add that you had once downloaded your crush's profile photo and made it your wallpaper. I did that, once. Now ain't that A-level stalking.

4. You'll have a good laugh at some of your friends' status updates, shared photos and comments

Except for the annoying ones, you find yourself mostly laughing at your friends' status updates like the one above. I even have a friend (a guy I dated once) who posted something about the infamous (and severely exasperating) Flappy Bird saying something like "Instead of playing Flappy Bird, why don't you come play my bird?" WTF. Not funny dude. Not funny. I know your girth and length and it ain't fun. Ops. Moving on.

5. You can safely track your boyfriend or girlfriend

Another form of stalking, this time stealthily watching over your boyfriend or girlfriend's recent activities which doesn't involve you. Bad news is, you mostly end up in a nasty fight if your guy or gal was tagged in a photo that suggest some sort of flirting with another life form, or is in a different place when they said they were home that evening. Word of advice to you boys and girls out there - if you're in a relationship, make sure you keep your lies and extracurricular activities out of Facebook. Facebook can be a death trap you know.

6. You'll be well-informed about the latest news or gossip, intrigues and scandals which involved people in your friend's list

Who doesn't love juicy gossips about your boss and your colleague's nasty affairs? What about news that your high school classmate, who used to be a hottie, is now a nottie with 5 kids from 5 different men? Or your friend's hunk of an ex turned out to be gay? Or your neighbor screwing his dog? Or... okay enough.

7. You can have copies of photos of yourself with your friends

This is where tagging photos become fun. In case you went out with your friends and you have no handy camera to capture those Kodak moments, your trusty old friend always have one and you can simply ask them to tag you in the picture when they post it on Facebook. Word of caution though. Please don't tag people who are NOT in the picture because it's annoying. Why tag me when I'm not in that friggin picture? Please explain or you can just talk to my lawyer (huh?)

8. You can let off steam through your status updates

This one I found a bit annoying. But I get to try letting off steam on Facebook once and man, did it feel good. Plus, your friends' likes and comments make you feel validated and supported. Just don't overdo it next time because if you have issues, better not post it on Facebook. Talk to your friends instead. It is much healthier that way. Like farting.

9. You'll get a heads up that today is your friend's birthday if you're bad in remembering birthdays

I'm part of this online group called so Facebook's birthday reminder is such a big help. I used to keep my friends and family's birthdays in my mobile phone's calendar but I long abandoned the practice. Thanks to Facebook, a little birthday greeting on my friend's wall and I can be a good dear friend. I don't even need to give them presents except that, they still demand for presents, especially the ones I kept since college. Maybe I should find find a new set of friends. Those who don't ask for gifts during birthdays and Christmas.

10. You can stay in touch with your friends in case you change geographical location

No matter which part of the planet you are, you can't escape Facebook. You can always chat and share with friends and loved ones even if you're about to eat your breakfast while they're about to go to bed. No more expensive phone calls or emails that would take at least 24 hours for them to respond. But then again there's Skype and Viber but Facebook will always keep you stay connected with your dear ones even if you're in the moon.

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