Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Leap of Faith


To my dear 8 followers, sorry if I was absent last month. Sam, my little boy toy of a laptop, was kidnapped for 41 days and I was only able to raise the ransom money last week (thanks to my new job). How I miss this little guy. We stayed up late last night doing things we both love: watching porn, reading Wikipedia, Facebooking, downloading the latest episodes of 'Scandal' and 'The Crazy Ones', checking Cristiano Ronaldo's profile, and watching some more porn - gay porn to be exact.

So anyway, it was pretty much the same since February except that I now have a brand new job. Was actually forced to look for one when my savings was running low and I ran out of creative excuses to ask for help from my parents. In short, I can't be a bum.

But yesterday, I found myself looking at job ads, printed a copy of my resume and scheduled a 9AM interview with a headhunter. Perhaps I'm not happy with what I'm doing in my new work or maybe, I'm scared of what I just committed myself into that I wanted my way out.

Sigh. That's very typical of me.

So there I was at 9AM sharp at the sparkly lobby of the building where this headhunter's office is located and when I was about to step in to the elevator, I realize that I couldn't do it. I realize that there's no point in finding another job that offers less stress because I chose to accept my new job in the first place and stress will always be a part of everything we do. Even sex can be stressful sometimes.

And so I took a small leap of faith. Faith in my own talent that I will survive the rigors of my new work. God help me though and I hope that when I get to read this little blog post by next month, I'll get to joke at myself how much of a chicken shit I was. Wish me luck and oh yes, I'm still single (now why the heck should I mention that?)

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